6 Shoe Cleaning and Care Tips: Keep Your Shoes Looking New Every Day

6 Shoe Cleaning and Care Tips: Keep Your Shoes Looking New Every Day

Having a pair of clean and shiny shoes is what everyone desires, but to achieve this goal, the right cleaning and care methods are key. Below, we will introduce in detail 6 practical shoe cleaning and care tips to help you step out each day with shoes that look as good as new.

  • Cleaning and Care for Genuine Leather Shoe

Cleaning Method:
Use a shoe brush to brush off dust from the shoe surface, then dip in shoe oil or leather cleaner to gently wipe the shoe surface. Use a toothbrush dipped in body wash or toothpaste to clean the inside of the shoe, effectively removing odors, spots, and stains.

Care Method:
Avoid exposure to sunlight and immersion in oil, pay attention to moisture and mildew prevention. When there is heavy perspiration, choose a shaded place for drying. For worn-out shoe soles and heels, send them for repair as soon as possible.

  • Cleaning and Care for Sports Shoe

Cleaning Method:
For mesh sports shoes, use a toothbrush dipped in detergent to wipe from the inside out. For non-mesh sports shoes, use a damp cloth to wipe the surface, then remove the shoelaces and insoles for separate washing.
Care Method:
Sprinkle some body powder to eliminate sweat odor. Use slightly stiff paper to keep the shoes stretched, avoid direct sunlight and warm air drying.

  • Cleaning and Care for Canvas Shoe

Cleaning Method:
Avoid soaking the shoes in water for cleaning. Use neutral detergents such as laundry detergent, body wash, etc., to clean the shoe surface.
Care Method:
Try to avoid walking on muddy or wet roads. After cleaning white shoes, rinse several times with clean water, and place tissue paper on the shoe surface during drying.

  • Cleaning and Care for Suede Shoes

Cleaning Method:

Use a specialized brush to wipe off dust from the shoes. Wipe in one direction, gently rub stubborn stains with a nail file.
Care Method:Try to avoid getting them wet and reduce the force when cleaning. Spray a layer of protective spray on new or cleaned shoes.

  • Cleaning and Care for Sheepskin Boots

Cleaning Method:
Stuff the shoes with old newspapers to keep their shape, use a toothbrush to gently brush off surface deposits. Use a nail brush or suede brush to remove obvious stains, wipe the entire shoe surface with an eraser or damp cloth.
Care Method:
After the boots are dry, apply suede-specific shoe powder. Use a hard paper roll to keep the boots stretched and store them in a dust-proof bag.

  • Cleaning and Care for Furry Shoes

Cleaning Method:
Mix clean water, white vinegar, and dishwashing liquid, use a sponge to wipe the shoe surface. After rinsing clean, use a comb and hairdryer to deal with the furry surface.
Care Method:
Avoid getting them wet, especially on rainy days. Dry in sunny weather and store in a ventilated place. Summary of Shoe Cleaning and Care Tips

Tip One: Use shoe trees to support the shoes, preventing them from deforming and maintaining comfort.

Tip Two: Clean dirty shoes promptly to avoid stains corroding the shoes for a long time.

Tip Three: Use a closed shoe cabinet or shoe box to avoid direct sunlight on the shoes, helping to maintain the shoes' softness.



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